Little Pro on 2015-12-30
A REACH registration number is an 18-digit number assigned by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). It is the most straightforward proof that one company has fulfilled their registration obligation for a substance under the EU REACH regulation. After successful completion of a (pre-) registration, a registrant can download a submission report from REACH-IT with a REACH registration number on it.
The picture below is an example of a submission report with a registration number on it.
Find out whether you need to submit REACH registration.
A REACH registration number follows the following structure:
TYPE(2 digits) - BASE No.(10 digits) -CHECKSUM(2 digits) - INDEX No.(4 digits)
Several examples of REACH registration numbers:
Its first 2 digits determine the type of registration under REACH.
It shall be noted that a pre-registration number (05 or 17) is only valid for a given period of time. A pre-registered substance must be fully registered before its registration deadline which depends on the tonnage band of the substance. After May 2018, all pre-registration numbers will expire.
REACH registration number is usually communicated via SDSs. When a registration number is communicated, the last 4 digits can be hidden.
Buyers or downstream users cannot easily verify the validity of a REACH registration number received because one can easily find a genuine registration number for a substance from ECHA's website.
The best way to verify the validity of a REACH registration number is to look at the original submission report issued by ECHA. On the report, you can find registration number, registered tonnage band and registrant's name.
Click the picture below and input CAS no. or substance name, you can find all REACH registration numbers assigned and registrants' names.
Click here to access all references and resources for Europe including the English translation of regulations, regulatory lists and useful links to the websites of competent authorities.
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