
Differences between Taiwan TCSCA and EU REACH

Little Pro on 2015-12-31

Taiwan TCSCA is another new important REACH-like chemical regulation that imitates EU REACH regulation. Despite many similarities, Taiwan TCSCA and EU REACH are different in many aspects. In this article, we have summarized the main differences between Taiwan TCSCA and EU REACH to help you comply with TCSCA.

Taiwan TCSCA EU REACH Comparison

1. Registration of New Substances in Small Volumes (<1t/y )

  • EU REACH: REACH registration not required;
  • Taiwan TCSCA: Small quantity registration (<100kg/y) or simplified registration (100kg/y~1t/y);

2. Pre-registration of Existing Chemical Substances

  • EU REACH: All existing chemical substances >=1t/y;
  • Taiwan TCSCA: All existing chemical substances >=0.1t/y;

3. Registration of Existing Chemical Substances

  • EU REACH: All existing chemical substances >=1t/y;
  • Taiwan TCSCA: Designated existing chemical substances >=1t/y;

4. Registration of Polymers

  • EU REACH: Registration of monomer or reactant;
  • Taiwan TCSCA: Registration of polymer itself;

5. Grace Period for Existing Substance Registration

  • EU REACH: Tonnage based (2010, 2015, and 2018);
  • Taiwan TCSCA: Designated by authority;

6. Appointment of Only Representative

  • EU REACH: Yes;
  • Taiwan TCSCA: Not allowed;

7. Transported Isolated Intermediates

  • EU REACH: Reduced data requirements for intermediates under strictly controlled conditions;
  • Taiwan TCSCA: No reduced data requirements;

8. Adding Notified New Subsances onto Inventory

  • EU REACH: Not allowed;
  • Taiwan TCSCA: Yes after 5 years;

9. Other Things

  • EU REACH: Also regulates articles by SVHC list and restriction list;
  • Taiwan TCSCA: Also requires company to apply for permits or approval for Class 1, 2, 3, or 4 toxic chemical substances.


More Readings about Taiwan TCSCA

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 Tags: Topics - TaiwanREACH-like Regulation and Registration