ECHA Adds 9 Hazardous Substances to REACH SVHC List

ECHA Adds 9 Hazardous Substances to REACH SVHC List

ECHA has added 9 hazardous chemicals to SVHC candidate list on 17 Jan& Read More.

REACH SVHC Candidate List Grows to 224

REACH SVHC Candidate List Grows to 224

ECHA added N-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide  to the SVHC Candidate List on 10 June 2022 as Read More.

EU SVHC Candidate List Updated to Contain 223 Entries

EU SVHC Candidate List Updated to Contain 223 Entries

ECHA has added 4 more new substances to SVHC candidate list on 17 Read More.

8 More Hazardous Substances Added to REACH SVHC Candidate List by ECHA

8 More Hazardous Substances Added to REACH SVHC Candidate List by ECHA

ECHA has added 8 more new substances to SVHC candidate list on 8 Jul&n Read More.

ECHA Adds 2 More New Substances to REACH SVHC List - Jan 2021

ECHA Adds 2 More New Substances to REACH SVHC List - Jan 2021

ECHA has added 2 more new substances to SVHC candidate list on 19 Jan& Read More.

Indian Draft Chemicals (Management and Safety) Rules

Indian Draft Chemicals (Management and Safety) Rules

Indian Draft Chemicals (Management and Safety) Rules has gone through several amendments a Read More.

China MEE Order 12 - The Measures for the Environmental Administration Registration of New Chemical Substances

China MEE Order 12 - The Measures for the Environmental Administration Registration of New Chemical Substances

The Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) issued its Order 12 - The Measures f Read More.

Regulation (EU) 2020/878:  Revised Requirements for EU Safety Data Sheets

Regulation (EU) 2020/878: Revised Requirements for EU Safety Data Sheets

On 25 Jun 2020, the European Commission published Regulation (EU) 2020/878 amending the an Read More.

ECHA Adds Another 4 New Substances to REACH SVHC List - Jun 2020

ECHA Adds Another 4 New Substances to REACH SVHC List - Jun 2020

 ECHA has added 4 more new substances to SVHC candidate list on 2 Read More.

ECHA Adds 4 New Substances to REACH SVHC List

ECHA Adds 4 New Substances to REACH SVHC List

ECHA has added 4 more new substances to SVHC candidate list on 16 Jan 2020. Read More.

Introduction to Operator Exposure Risk Assessment for Pesticides

Introduction to Operator Exposure Risk Assessment for Pesticides

An operator exposure risk assessment is usually conducted to determine if the use of a pes Read More.

Introduction to GHS Implementation in Gulf Countries

Introduction to GHS Implementation in Gulf Countries

Gulf countries such as Ahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE)  Read More.

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