Little Pro on 2018-06-07
ECHA has published the latest registration statistics for the last REACH registration deadline. 31 May 2018 is the registration deadline for all >=1t/y chemical substances placed on EU market.
Item | Number |
Registrants | 13,620 |
Registration dossiers | 88,319 |
Registered substances | 21,551 |
Tonnage band | # Registrations completed | # Substances registered | # Registrations in process |
1 000 tonnes per year and more | 20 113 | 2 278 | 101 |
100 - 1 000 tonnes per year | 12 489 | 3 517 | 304 |
10 - 100 tonnes per year | 11 080 | 3 957 | 1 849 |
1 - 10 tonnes per year | 14 685 | 5 908 | 2 369 |
Intermediates (under strictly controlled conditions) | 14 549 | 7 675 | 822 |
NONS registrations | 9 958 | 5 293 | 0 |
TOTAL | 82 874 |
Country | # Registrations submitted | # Registrations completed | # Substances (in completed registrations) |
Germany | 22 297 | 21 154 | 9 899 |
United Kingdom | 12 156 | 11 315 | 5 343 |
France | 8 733 | 7 941 | 4 294 |
Netherlands | 7 661 | 7 218 | 3 454 |
Italy | 7 365 | 6 839 | 3 805 |
Belgium | 6 019 | 5 693 | 3 054 |
Spain | 5 890 | 5 398 | 3 068 |
Ireland | 3 746 | 3 581 | 1 866 |
Sweden | 2 413 | 2 283 | 1 583 |
Poland | 1 590 | 1 467 | 645 |
ALL EU/EEA | 88 319 | 82 874 | 20 608 |
Country | Percentage |
US | 27% |
China | 15% |
Japan | 14% |
India | 12% |
Switzerland | 6% |
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